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As a child, I started to baby sit myself age 8, and I had three major hobbies: drawing, making crafts and building huts. My first big realization about age 9 was an hexagonal cage 8.2 feet diameter and 8.2 feet height for my birds. I have drawn the project, my father made the welding and I domesticated the birds. I have a natural attraction for birds.

Age 16, I started to learn Fine Arts for real in the School of Fine Arts of Tours. I had two years drawing lessons and one year modeling lessons. I am quite good modeling clay while I miss experience with plaster. I have never cooked any of my modeling. Modeling clay is as natural as domesticating birds. Drawing takes more resources and attention, but I am quite at ease too. I draw with pencils, color pencils, oil and with water color.

Age 23, I made my first travel, all alone, in the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. I have learnt the Indonesian language while living in the villages with the people. I spent four months from September to December 1992, then four months from December 1994 to March 1995. I wrote two books and made one model that was sold to the Guimet Museum of Lyon. You will find below some of my drawings. They are hand made with various technics.



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